A disk-related error occurred while trying to open or create the preferences file. Default preferences will be used. A disk-related error occurred while trying to find the preferences file. Default preferences will be used. ^3 cannot be run on a locked volume. Please move ^3 into a QuarkXPress® folder on a unlocked volume. ^3 could not be loaded. Try increasing the memory allocation to QuarkXPress®, or re-installing ^3. ^3 requires Color Quickdraw. This machine does not have Color Quickdraw. ^3 requires ATM® v2.02 or greater. ATM is either not installed, or has been turned off. ^3 requires System Software 6.07 or greater. This version of ^3 cannot run with this version of QuarkXPress®. Contact your dealer for upgrade information. This version of ^3 requires QuarkXPress version 3.11r2 This document requires a updated version of ^3. Please contact your dealer for upgrade information.